The way to make money by blogging is to blog about a niche you know very well. You do not have to be familiar with a topic before blogging about it. You can educate yourself using google to find details about the topic. The first thing to do is to select a niche. You should select a niche you have passion about. Examples are 1. Acne 2. Men issues 3. Women issues etc. It is better to blog about a particular niche rather than varieties of niches.
Blogging about a specific topic will help you to get targeted visitors which in turn generate targeted revenues for you. What I really mean here is that if you want to blog about acne, then talk only about acne in your blog. When you must have selected a niche, the next step is to select a blog. You can either go for a free blogsite like blogger or wordpress or you can go for a paid blog hosting using blog software like wordpress or drupal to power it. Your best bet should be to select blogspot or go for a paid hosting. I do not recommend free wordpress hosting because they may delete or ban your account once you break their terms and conditions.
It will better to name your blog what you are blogging about. If you are blogging about acne treatment, then naming it acnetreatment dot com or acnetreatment dot blogspot dot com will be good for seo. When you are through with this, the next thing to do is to begin bloggging. Write about 20 articles that contain 250 or more words and post it to your blog. You can make a post per day. Also write articles and submit to article directories with a link back to your site in order to generate traffic and also build backlinks to get traffic from search engines.
When you discover that visitors have started visiting your blog, the next thing to do is to monetize your blogsite. They are many profitable ways to monetize it. The first is by posting google adsense code by the side of your site. The second is by finding affiliate programs pertaining to the niche you are writing about to promote on your blog. By the time you know it your blog would have grown into a high traffic blog generating money for you.
Blogging to the Bank is a guide which contains step by step methods to make millions by blogging. Check it out at Blogging to The Bank. Click Link Below